your ID: 0038 First Name: Luka Last Name: Popovic Affiliation: Astronomical Observatory Title: Investigation of the innermost part of Active Galactic Nuclei by gravitational microlensing Authors: L. C. Popovic, P. Jovanovic, T. Petrovic Topic: 2 Session: oral Abstract: Gravitational microlensing can be a very useful tool for investigation of the unresolved central part of lensed quasars (X-ray region, continuum source and broad line region) . Gravitational lensing is in general achromatic, however, the wavelength-dependent geometry of the different emission regions of lensed quasars may result in chromatic effects. Since sizes of the emitting regions are wavelength-dependent, microlensing by stars in the lens galaxy will lead to a wavelength-dependent magnification (Popovic & Chartas 2005, MNRAS, 357, 135). This can be used in the investigation of the size and geometry of emission regions (see e.g. Popovic et al. 2001, A&A, 378, 295; Abajas et al. 2002, ApJ, 576, 640; Popovic et al. 2003, A&A, 398, 975; Popovic et al. 2006, ApJ, 637, 620). Here we will discuss the influence of gravitational microlensing on the spectra of lensed quasars, and possible usage of this to investigate the innermost part of quasars.